Operations – Isabella Kettner
Job presentation - Operations
The AHT Operations Team (production) manufactures the AHT refrigerators and freezers in the AHT production halls in Rottenmann and ensures that the devices are delivered to the right place at the right time, namely in our customers’ supermarkets. There, the AHT refrigerators ensure that food is kept fresh. AHT relies on the production of environmentally friendly cooling systems and uses the coolant propane for this. In addition, the AHT devices are manufactured using the latest technology and help our customers to save energy.
Isabella Kettner
“In 2012 I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at the AHT. In these 3 years I was able to get a taste of the various departments and got to know many of the employees’ activities better. After my apprenticeship, I went to the incoming goods department, and since then I’ve been taking care with my colleagues in the warehouse that the goods are correctly booked and delivered to production on time.
With an apprenticeship at AHT, you have the chance to get to know the various departments and the associated activities and to make your own contribution to the company’s success. “