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Jobportrait - Operations


The AHT Operations Team (Production) manufactures the AHT refrigerators and freezers in the AHT production halls in Rottenmann and ensures that the appliances are delivered to the right place at the right time, namely to our customers’ supermarkets. There, the AHT refrigeration units ensure the preservation of food freshness. AHT is committed to the production of environmentally friendly refrigeration systems, using propane as the refrigerant. In addition, AHT equipment is manufactured using the latest technology and helps our customers save energy.

Ulrich Gassner-Speckmoser

“My tasks include independent planning, implementation and follow-up of technical projects, optimization and standardization of workplaces in production, as well as management and scheduling of internal and external auxiliary operations. The apprenticeship at AHT as a mechanical engineer prepared me excellently for my current activities in the field of industrial engineering. The modern machinery of the AHT apprentice workshop is an absolute highlight during the training!

For me, the completed LAP was the starting signal for my further professional training, first at the evening HTL and now at the UAS for building services engineering.”