AHT Youngsters: English Matura during working hours

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English Matura
during working hours

AHT Youngsters: English Matura during working hours


AHT Cooling Systems GmbH, headquartered in Rottenmann, is the one-stop solution provider for cooling and freezing systems for trade and industry. The devices manufactured in Upper Styria are exported all over the world. Dealing with international customers, suppliers and colleagues within the DAIKIN Group, of which AHT has been a part since 2019, therefore requires AHT employees to have a very good command of English in almost all areas of the company. Weekly English courses have been a focus of AHT’s apprentice training for years. These English courses are now being raised to a new level: From March 2023, these courses will be switched to the English module as part of the apprenticeship with Matura. The courses are run by BFI Rottenmann and take place directly at AHT during the apprentices’ working hours.

“We want to support our youngsters to do apprenticeship with Matura. However, the evening courses are difficult for apprentices from out of town because they have no public connections home so late. At the same time, we have a great need for very good English skills among our apprenticeship graduates. That’s why we cooperate with BFI Rottenmann and bring the English Matura to our premises,” explains Sabine Mittermair-Krivez, head of training at AHT. The remaining Matura modules can then be completed voluntarily in the leisure time model. By then, most of them already have their driving licence and are no longer dependent on bus or train connections. “We don’t require anyone to complete the entire Matura. But of course we hope that many of our youngsters will take advantage of this offer and get further qualifications. After all, we train the apprentices for us in the company, we always need good people!” she reveals further.

The apprentices and their parents, to whom this new concept was presented at a parents’ evening, are very enthusiastic about it. “Great idea,” said one mother. “It’s a pity that it won’t work out for me any more,” said a 4th year apprentice who is about to take his LAP. “Great, I wanted to do an apprenticeship with Matura anyway and now I have the English module during my working hours”, said a happy 1st year industrial clerk.

Anyone who wants to find out more is cordially invited to try out AHT. Interested people spend one or more days with one of the AHT apprentices and get to know their profession and everyday working life.
